Reunited From A Mongolian Film Set
One of the blessings of being a part of the 20/20 Vision is that we are able to bring together Christian film producers from around the world together to partner with one another, and in some cases, rediscover each other! One such rediscovery took place last year at the Global Media Network of Call2All, and has come full circle to involve one of our current Create Intl. DTS (CIDTS) students.
Fourteen years ago, a Create International team went to Mongolia to produce an evangelistic film for the Khalkha Mongols. One of the actors was a young Christian university student named “Tulga.” He was very interested in one day becoming an actor, so he agreed to play the Christian businessman in our film. Fourteen years later, he has become one of Mongolia’s most famous film stars and owns his own film production company called Herub Entertainment. You can view “Making of Holland Rose,” his latest award winning film.
Tulga’s production team attended our Global Media Network last year (2013) here in Chiang Mai, and it turns out that one of our 20/20 Vision partners (Steve Cadd) trained and worked with them subsequent to Create’s filming over a decade ago. Now Steve and Tulga are fellow 20/20 Vision members, as they both are adopting more 20/20 people groups for production! Altogether, we reunited and rejoiced for what the Lord has done through these years!
Incidentally, our current CIDTS (JAN-JUN 2014) includes a Mongolian student who is a very good friend of Tulga and went to the same university. She mentioned that Tulga is really wanting to produce a powerful evangelistic film in partnership with her, though she may stay on staff with us! Praise the Lord for his and her faithfulness! We produced an evangelistic film with and for Mongolians 14 years ago, and now we have a Mongolian doing our CIDTS and wanting to serve the Lord in our ministry. Hallelujah!