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(No, not the LimBO!) In April, Create Perth partnered with the School of Frontier Media and headed on outreach to Nepal for one month. We were there to do a project for the Limbu people, an unreached people group concentrated in the hills of eastern Nepal. The Limbu are one of the largest tribal groups in Nepal, the majority living in rural villages. Despite the brokenness amongst their communities caused by drinking and anger, they are a beautiful people who we experienced as friendly, hospitable and full of joy. It was a privilege to work alongside the Limbu and to be entrusted with the task of creating media that will share the hope of the gospel with them. We are working on a dramatic evangelistic film in the Nepali language as well as a mobilisation film to encourage the church globally to pray and consider working amongst them. From climbing up mountains to filming scenes in the pouring rain, there were many adventurous times for our team in Nepal, but throughout it all we continued to see God’s faithfulness in tangible ways.  He provided us with the finances to travel, protected our health, outfitted us with film equipment, imparted a script in the Nepali language, led us to actors who brought the script to life and linked us with an amazing contact on the ground to help us pull it all together. The completed projects are still several months away, but in the meantime you can catch a glimpse of the Limbu in a mini-prayer documentary, here:


During the casting for our dramatic film we received a word about our main actor being “anointed”. After the casting auditions were completed, we chose to appoint a local man named Avishek as our main actor. We were excited to find out later that Avishek is an Indian name that literally means ‘anointing’ or ‘anointed one’!
Pray For:
*Missionaries to the Limbu people from Nepal and abroad.
*Limbu people to be freed from lifestyles of addiction and brokenness.
*Limbu will change as they hear the truth to become warriors for the gospel in their nation and beyond.