Movements in Myanmar
How Awesome! Witnessing the present reality of the Acts 2 early church right next door to us…the Holy Spirit is moving all over Myanmar–over 42,500 Buddhist background believers are proclaiming the gospel and are planting over 1,500 new churches—and that is just in the last few years! An amazing church planting movement is happening–yet among the two largest people groups (the Bamar and Rakhine) there still exists over 35 million who need to respond.
Create International was asked to help multiply the message and further equip these workers with art and media tools. So our staff and students from our Create Thailand and GCRC teams set out on an amazing and challenging adventure of faith and provision to produce tools for the Bamar and Rakhine peoples. Joining with their proven contextual approaches to share the Gospel message, our team is now producing an evangelistic and discipleship dramatic production, animated art and storying presentations, testimonies and interviews of the move of God to instruct and inspire national and foreign workers and more!
From Jay, our Project Partner:
“The YWAM Create Film team helped our networks to make a dramatic movie about a Buddhist businesswoman who turns from idols to serve the Living God. In this drama the main character started a house church that multiplies more house churches. It was a real blessing to meet Create team members from Uzbekistan, Mongolia and Brazil. Fifteen to twenty years ago these countries experienced Church Planting Movements among nominal Christians, Buddhists and Muslims and are now quickly sending out their own missionaries to complete the Great Commission.”
Jay has also written an amazing article which tells the story in much more detail and shares some of the insights and methods they have employed to see success among Buddhists in Myanmar. Longing for the Golden City
One of our Actors in the film:
“Than Shwe is a fisherman who 5 years ago was diagnosed with a deadly form of Hepatitis. A doctor told him that he would have only 2 months to live. One week after local leaders prayed for him he was miraculously healed. He had traveled up and down the Rakhine coast for the past 5 years sharing with his fellow fishermen the glorious news of the God who heals. During the training week prior to the Create team coming, he repeatedly asked to be baptized but the leaders were too busy. The Create teama had
no idea that when they wrote the storyline and then cast Than Shwe in the role as a Buddhist who gets baptized in the film that they would actually film a real baptism. We were all amazed to witness how wonderfully the Director of Heaven had orchestrated and blended the movie storyline with a Buddhist Background Believers’ story.”
Thank you to all who supported and prayed for us! Through using our gifts in art and media to multiply the message, our team was privileged and inspired to see these movements expand even further throughout all peoples in Myanmar and beyond.